I say, you look =P

I'm Dickson Fung, and this is for Mr. Farrell's period 3 civics class. I type, you look =P

Thursday, June 17, 2010, 11:28 PM
G20...Big Issue...It's going to be a long couple of Days

G20 will be approaching soon and Toronto wants to look good to the world. They want to make Canada look good. Having G20 in Canada has already raised so many issues. We have issues on the fake lake, issues on security and also with protestors. So we are going to start with the fake lake. A fake lake... why would we need a fake lake in the first place when we do have Lake Ontario out there. So...Huntsville, Ontario is in the middle of cottage country and according to rough estimates, there are 20,000 fresh water lakes in and around the area. Now the G8 leaders and their entourages will be able to look at these lakes through heavily guarded windows which are located nowhere near the lakes at all because their security feels that being near a lake is dangerous?!?!?! Now the G20 in Toronto will have more world leaders and our government feels they must see what the G8 people see from their heavily guarded windows in Huntsville. So the fake lake cost what? Ummm...$2 million dollars. Were spending for leaders who would stay here for lke a couple of days to probably a week. I totally see the fake lake as a waste. Then there is the security and protestors. When there are protestors, there are security to protect the leaders. There are going to be many protestors down in downtown during G20 to express what they do not feel happy about. Like on one site I found people are protesting that privatization, trade liberalization and this economic system of greed is not working (http://www.cupe.on.ca/doc.php?subject_id=217&lang=en). With so many protestors there are gonig to be sercurity guards protecting the leaders and their family and blocking off protestors. So many things are happening makes going downtown for those couple of days unsave. As you can see, having G20 in Toronto is going to affect many people like people who work downtown. This gonig to be a LONG couple of days

11:22 PM
Locked or Unlocked

The NDP MP, Bruce Hyer has introduced a resolution of having cell phones of all kind from different cell phone carriers unlocked. The new iPhone would be selling in Canada unlocked. Bruce Hyer tabled a bill, the cell phone freedom act. Cell phone carriers would be required to notify customers at the point of purchase whether a phone is locked to work only on their network. They would have to remove such a lock free of charge at any point after the conclusion of the customer's service contract. They must remove the lock on the cell phone if the cell phone customer does not go into contract within 6 months of by the device upfront. Some countries like Singapore outlaw locking phones entirely. However, cell phones prices would be really high if they are not in contract. The NDP does not understand that cell phone prices are cheap because of how the cell phones are locked. You may compare a phone is LG Gossip is $0 on a two year contract at Fido and that if you purchase without contract it is $90. If you think about it, a customer would rather choose the LG Gossip on contract. There may be a good side of having unlocked phones yet there is a bad side. However, I would not really mind of having my cell phone locked or unlocked as long I can text and call... This may apply to some of you readers too.


Friday, May 28, 2010, 10:19 PM

So, there's all this controversy that according to the Maya Calender, the world will end in the year of 2012. Why does it have to be 2012? Okay, maybe back then, the Mayans weren't think straight or they were a little out of it. Seriously, this whole 2012 thing is completely dumb. They said in the year 2000 the world would end. The result? All living things to this day on this planet, Earth is still alive. I think it's some big hoax to scare all of us. The media has done quite a lot of that before, so I wouldn't be surprised when the world won't end. There was one just last year during the summer that all of the computers in the world would crash with some virus and something "bad" would happen. Did it though? No. And the whole "2012" movie, really? Are the people in Hollywood so desperate in trying to make everyone fear for their lives? From a recent interview from The Star newspaper, traditional spiritual healer and ceremonial leader Gerardo Carrera, who is MAYAN, doubts there will be an apocalypse, in fact a great majority of the Mayans think this is so. Instead of the world ending, they interpreted it as the Earth going through some sort of rebirth. So, 2012, I'm going to be still alive and I dislike how much problems your causing to the world

10:03 PM
The Zoo and it's animals

Just recently, I went to the Toronto Zoo on Tuesday for my Science field trip. It was a fun day away from school and I got to see a great variety of animals. But should zoos even exist? No, not really. I found that the way they treat the different types of species is just plain cruel. The major problem with zoos is that the animals who live there are kept in small habitats that don't allow them to live their lives in a way that they were meant to. No matter how big some zoos, (the Toronto Zoo not being one of them), try to make the living area for the species, they don't compare with the natural habitat the animals were meant to be in. Zoo animals have to spend day after day, week after week, year after year in the exact same tiny little space. This makes their lives very boring. When I visited the Zoo, I noticed that the Polar Bears were just out laying in the Sun on the rock, looking like they were half dead. It was about 30 degrees Celsius that day, shouldn't they have been in a colder environment, and not one where they could oh I don't know.. PASS OUT?! Also, when I saw one of the elephants, I noticed that it kept swaying it's trunk back and forth; one might think it was just relaxing or something. The real truth is, repeated movements show signs of stress. They should just leave the animals where they ought to be, and not bring them into some environment where they were not supposed to live in. It's stupid.

Monday, May 24, 2010, 8:28 PM
Victoria Day and her fireworks

Today is Victoria day and a good amount of people celebrate it. Stores are closed...well most of them and most people don't need to work today because it is a holiday. To celebrate today, people have fireworks and spend time with their family. But there are two things I will not get It is people haveing fireworks the day before of Victoria Day and that people have fireworks before the sky turns dark. Well I can understand that people are having fireworks the day before of Victoria Day because of they do no have time the next day and they are too busy with work. However, whay are people having fireworks during the day. Is there a law for not having fireworks in a day. Does not a question "Why are people having firework during a day when they prety much can not see the firework itself?" How do we know that fireworks are being abused in the day with people shotting it at each other. It's just weird having fireworkds during the day. It is also a waste as you cannot feel amazed and happy watching firewworks. There was a time when my friend had a baseball game and someone lauched a firework and it scared him and he fell and dropped the ball recently. Fireworks must be only allowed during the nights.


Thursday, May 20, 2010, 7:42 PM

For those of us who watch the popular hit comedy show, "Glee", most of us have come to know Artie Abrams, played by Kevin McHale, - who was also in a boy band NLT - for his singing and comedic abilities; however, he is best known for portraying the character who is in a wheelchair. But, what you may not know is that in real life, Kevin McHale, who plays Artie, is actually one of the best dancers in the cast, but yet, he plays a character with a disability. Now, my question is, why would the makers of the show assign him to play this certain role when he could have easily shown off his dancing ability in every episode? In my opinion, they made a HUGE mistake, I might add. If he wasn't playing a character in the show, he could have pleased several fans by showing off his dancing abilities, could have possibly interested more people into watching "Glee". Just this past Tuesday, the episode featured Artie (Kevin McHale) dancing to the song "Safety Dance", but to all of our disappointment, it was just an imagination. When this happened, those who watched the episode were furious, with the producers, complaining with why they mad HIM play THAT role. Isn't said by many that you should show off all of your talents? Yeah, well the producers of "Glee" aren't making that happen for Kevin McHale.. Because they're stupid.

Thursday, May 6, 2010, 10:37 PM
really?... the iPad T__T

Soooooooooooo...we all kno how apple how came up with another new technology "thing" called the iPad. Alright so you hopefully know how an iPad looks like...hopefully. So and iPad is pretty much a bigger version of an iPod touch by the looks of it. Also we can see the iPad as a macbook that does not need to open and it doesnt have a keyboard. Basically we see that a iPad is a mix between a macbook and a iPod touch. However, many people do buy this new iPad. People just seem to like to buy technology that is new. They want to be part of the trend or newstyle of technology. Honestly what good is an iPad especially when you already have a iPod touch and a macbook. Ok fine...so you have an iPad and you like it. Well now you have an iPad which means you need apps to do certain stuff or its pretty much useless unless you use it for internet. Now you have to buy the apps. Which is more money and there is also apparently a library of books for the ipad where you also have the buy the books to download it to your iPad, which all this concludes to you have to pay more money. You pretty much spent money for your ipod touch dont you? of course you did unless... you are the people that jailbreak which this leads to another problem. Not for the people but for apple the company itself. When there is new technology, there is are people trying to hack or jailbreak it. Since the ipad gets jailbreaked means apple is going to lose some money for apps. The money they only going to get is the person buying their iPad. so pretty much this sums up to why I think the iPad is useless.


Thursday, April 22, 2010, 9:23 PM
Pixars with new Toy Story... ITS BACK AGAIN... Good no?

We all know that Pixars Inc. is going to release the new Toy Story 3 on June 18, 2010. Pixars has made many good movies from Monster Inc to The Incredibles to Up to Wall-EEEE. Pixars Inc. has made many incredible movies for kids. Toy Story will competing with other movies like Eclipse from the Twilight saga and and also Karate Kid which are well known stories. Toy Story has been most kids' childhood movie born from 1990 to 1996...around these year? If you seen Toy Story you most likely have seen Toy Story 2 too and if you liked them both, you must have the urge of seeing this third movie and its in 3D. =O Well to me 3D or no 3D are both the same thing... but that's my opinion. Well the main big question is will it be good. Is it going to meet our "BIG" expectations for the movie we are longing to see. We all know or most of us know or even less then most know that sequels of movies never beat the orginal first of the series. The original always stays the best. =) So don't put a tooooo high expectation on Toy Story 3.=P